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    Degas - dance, politcs and society

    Estoque: 0 Marca: EDITORA MASP Referência: 9786557770054

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    Sobre o Degas - dance, politcs and society

    This monograph dedicated to the work of Edgar Dedas (1834-1917) is a decisive contribution to the studies of the French artist. Its truly innovative focus underlines discussions related do dance, politics and society, as indicated in the book s substitle, with special attention to issues of gender, identity, labor, race, prostitution and representation of women, which are so relevant to our time. Degas is considered a complete artist, working in various techniques, and, at the end of his life, he left around 6,000 works, including 2,000 related to the universe of dance and ballet. His contradictions and ambiguities, especially the dact that he remains between tradition and modernity, reaffirm his uniqueness in the history of Western art. This book includes ten essays specially written for the publication by experts arounf the world, in addition to an introductory text by the volume s organizers.

    Ficha Técnica

    • ISBN: 9786557770054
    • Origem: Nacional
    • Origem: Nacional
    • Encadernação: Capa Dura
    • Idioma: Português
    • Editora: EDITORA MASP
    • Edição: 1
    • Formato: Livro
    • Ano de Edição: 2021
    • Peso: 1600
    • Peso: 1600
    • Número de Páginas: 344
    • Número de Páginas: 344
    • Tipo: Livro
    • Tipo: Livro
    • Data de Publicação: 2021-01-01T08:00:01
    • Gênero do livro: ARTES

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